Saturday, June 11, 2016

Go Home Empty Handed


So excited to hear form y'all today! It sounds like everyone is doing awesome things and get prepared for even more awesome things! Can't wait to really hear about it all soon!! 

This week, y'all it was just incredible. We had Zone Conference, out last one, and I must say the best one I've been to. 

Sister Shin talked to us about going home empty handed. We leave out house everyday with Book of Mormon and things to share with people, and I'll be honest there are days that you come home with them still in hand. But we promised the Lord that would no longer be the case. Sister Uhl and I were on a split yesterday and were able to give out 6 copies throughout the day- definitely a result of focusing our faith on a specific goal. Plus, it was really fun. 

I gave my final training on the atonement. Specifically focusing on how when we follow the saviors example of prayer, obedience, along with selfless service and sacrifice we can bring people unto Him as He brings people unto the father. The best way for me to describe the way it all happened is by telling you to imagine a firecracker in a tin garbage can. It all started calm, then we read Matthew 26:36-44. We spoke of the saviors example and how we can do what He did in a missionary capacity. Then we pondered the question "during your time as a missionary, when have you felt closest to the Savior?" as we read John 19:1-3, 16-19. One by one, a missionary would start to cry as they read a verse, and then another, and soon you could feel the explosion of the spirit in the room. I could hardly spit out my final testimony. Sharing Acts 5:41, I told them how extremely thankful I am to be a missionary. Even on the days I thought I might not survive it, I was blessed with companions to testify to me of the road the savior walked. This is a road each missionary must chose to walk each day. As we do this, we come to know Him. We gain the love He feels for us. And we are willing to die for Him, and the people we serve, just as He was willing. 

My Zone leaders had to tell us to take a break when we finished the lesson, and we all took a moment to write down what we were feeling. There was one thing that a Zone leader said, Elder Foster, that I thought was wonderful. When we feel the spirit, it the closest the we have to God reaching out and touching us. He wants to, but He can't- and so he sends His best. And That's what the spirit is. It is my prayer that anyone who has ever felt this never forgets what it's like, including myself, and each of you.

This Sunday, all the less actives and recent converts we were working with, including two of our favorite moms Sister ChunMi Lee and Sister EunJeong Park, with came to church. It was absolutely incredible- and the love that filled sacrament meeting was unlike anything I've ever felt during my mission. I attribute this absolutely to the renewing of the spirit these wonderful moms have felt praying and reading the scriptures.   

That sotry I need to share with you about Sister SunYoung is this, whe's a wonderful companion. And she has learned on her mission, even though she hasn;t been out long, to walk the road Christ ahs walked. Ever since that discussion I told you about a couple weeks ago, "not fearing men more than God." We've had to go on a few splits. On one of those said splits she was in a situation where 6 missionaries were all on the same bus, and none of them were talking to anyone. She told me that she heard the words I told her come back to her, and that Sister Weston with all the other apostles throughout history and God would not be okay that situation. So she, all on her own, started sharing the gospel! I just think she is so amazing! And so brave! I really love her so much and I'm so happy she is my final companion :)

Thank you for staying with me through these past 17 months. We don't have a lot of time left but we're going to make the best of it! Please keep praying for Sister JuNam Park. We are always praying for you! love you!

Sister Weston

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