Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Childrens Day!

Hello everyone!

This week has been amazing. I'm finally understand and speaking more Korean and that makes things a lot more fun! haha. 

Tomorrow is Children's Day in Korea. Basically the whole country takes the day off work and school and just celebrates! It happens every year on may 5th, and then May 8th is parents day! Basically the same thing happens but all of the parties happen on children's day :D

Because of this, today isn't actually my preparation day but our president still wanted us to email home. Tomorrow we will use as our pday so we can go to our branch's children's day picnic!!!! Sister Kim Hayun and I get to plan the games and I can assure you they will be tons of fun! Get excited for pictures next week!

In honor of childrens day and a short email time, I'm just going to send you a lot of pictures of all the adorable children we teach english and gospel lessons to! They are pretty much the cutest ever. 

I love all of you! Whenever I show anyone here pictures of my friends and family they think you are so beautiful! So know that you are all just a little bit famous in Onyang, Korea!!

I'll send lot of details next week, until then daow mae baeyo!

Sister Weston

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